Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Heating Up

Someone flipped a switch and turned on the heat.  And this backyard lifeguard could not resist a cool cerveza after work today.  T minus 3 days and counting... until we begin our extended at-home days.    

Although there are still three days until our holidays begin, there was no way that we could wait another minute to blow up the kiddie pool and fill it with cool relief from this weeks heat wave.

Today  the school kids lugged home book bags and worn out running shoes for the last time this year.  Class parties were had, well wishes were made...and all that's left is a couple of administration days to wrap up the school year before the formality of picking up report cards at the end of the week. 

It was the last day of school for everyone, except Callie.  Today was her first day...sorta. Callie and I spent the morning with her upcoming kindergarten teacher.  An informal meeting to help ease the transition because  underneath that confident girl who graduated from preschool there remains the girl who needs time to warm up to new ideas.  The girl who likes to watch first and try later. The girl who wants to be in your presence many times before she attempts eye contact or a conversation.

I was careful to follow her lead today.  To not push her away even when her best of friends asked her to play and she clung to my side. I didn't push her out from behind my leg when her new teacher said hello and asked her a bunch of questions.  I didn't insist on good manners by demanding her to answer.  Because I know she is a kind person.  I know that she has hellos and pleases and thank yous inside her.  She has stories to tell.  She is silly and funny and she will make you laugh.

All her greatness is reserved  for those who have the time to invest in her.  And when she is comfortable and the protective layers of shyness begin to fade away...she's going to rock this kindergarten thing!

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