Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Love and Loss

And so July has slipped by... it's like trying to hold water in your hand.  No matter how hard you try to hang on, the days just slip though the cracks.  August has a different feeling.  It has this annoying little voice whispering "summer is half over..."  But we plug our ears and shout loudly so that we can't hear it's frightening words.

I had big plans for my first post of August.  For this was when I was going to write about how we were expecting baby #3!  I had strung the words together in my mind...about how we would be a family of five and we were so excited.  But as we know, things don't always go according to plan and baby #3 didn't make it past twelve weeks. 

The hard part is over.  The loss of our baby.  And we are working on healing our minds as it is amazing the planning and decisions and dreaming that had already taken place in those twelve weeks.  And I have lived though this vicariously with countless friends and loved ones but now I know, first hand, the grief.  Now it is my turn to be supported by my friends and family...and I am so grateful for their love, comfort, kind words, and listening ears.

I have purposely written these words of loss intertwined with glorious, happy photos of our many summer beach days...because that is exactly how it happened.  And despite our loss, beautiful things were still happening all around us.  And with my two sweet girls at my side everyday it is almost impossible to stay focused on what we lost when there is so much life right in front of us. 

We have been surrounding ourselves with the people we love.  Our families.  Our friends.  Each other. 

1 comment:

Christine said...

I absolutely agree with you about the "whispering" August.... we wait all year for these 2 glorious months and they slip by it seems like in seconds. You speak eloquently about a very difficult situation and I am happy that I have been able to help fill your days with fun times:) I can also tell the difference between your 2 cameras!!!!!!!! Love, love, love the fun photos! Hugs.... Christine